Roving Camera 3-5-20: What do you think the Democrats need to do to win in November?

They need to come down to earth. If
you can’t win, support another candidate
who can. — Oscar Murphy, Retired, Roxbury

They need to turn people out to vote.
That’s the main thing. — Grady Durden, Retired Sgt. Detective, Roxbury

Get more votes. Money is power, but
we have power in votes. — Darrell Vaughn, Retired, Roxbury

They need to unite. We need solidarity.
Right now, they’re on the left, on
the right and in the middle. — Nate, Retired, Roxbury

I think we need to start working
together and stop fighting. Listen to
what kind of progress people want
to make and come together around
that. — Margaret Bell, Home Health Aide, Roxbury

Stop the bickering and unite
immediately. I think in the United
States, everybody points fingers at
everybody else. People need to take
responsibility for their own actions. — Richard Iannella, Administrator, Jamaica Plain