Roving Camera 3/20/2014
We have to start with ourselves. Stop calling each other the n- word. I hate that word. It’s very insulting. — Mary Crosby. Retired, Medford
There is no response to it. Just keep it moving. Don’t let it affect you. — Michael Tucker, Retired, Roxbury
Usually, I just smile and keep it moving. Ignore it. It keeps me from being violent. — Porshia Haygood, Youth Worker, Dorchester
Sometimes I think it’s best to respond. Sometimes it’s best to ignore it. But any chance you have to rectify it, you should. — Robin Skinner, Health Care Administrator, Dorchester
Become educated. — Tracy Miller, Engineer, South End
Make other people aware that the attitudes are still there. I see more racism now in the building trades then when I got in in ‘79. — Wayne Price, Bricklayer, Roxbury