Roving Camera 3-14-19: What do you think of the MBTA board’s vote to increase subway fares?
“It may be needed, but they haven’t shown the value of the increase by improving service.” — Clifton Brathwaite, Political Consultant, Hyde Park
“I don’t think it’s fair, with all the service interruptions. They’re not doing enough to improve the system.” — Cornelius Hudson, Retired, Roxbury
“It’s not good. They’re not fixing anything, but keep raising the fares” — Cynthia Caldwell, Self-employed, Dorchester
“I think it’s horrible. People can’t afford the fares as they are. This ain’t the suburbs” — Dean Robinson, Entrepreneur, Boston
“We’ve got to get to work. Fifteen cents isn’t going to kill us.” — Harvey, Carpenter, Dorchester
“I don’t feel that it’s a big deal. Every state has to raise fares according to what they need in their public transit system. It’s ok as long as people can afford to use it.” — Matthew Haynes, Disabled, Roxbury