The police have historically abused their power. They need to face up the power they have and have the courage to make institutional changes.— Sadada Jackson, Student, Brookline
We have to go back to where it all began — the history of policing — and undo some of that history. They began capturing runaway slaves. — Harold Miller, Educator, Dorchester
Listening would go a long way on both sides. There has to be a shift in the culture of the police. They have to see the humanity in all people. — Melissa Alexis, Community Collaborator, Newton
They have to stop hassling us. Stop the racial profiling. — Avel Gonzalez, Student, Roxbury
They need to start from the beginning. Have better interactions with the community every day. — Rosalyn, Social Worker, Dorchester
They need to come out more and show respect. Build trust and eliminate the hate and anger. — Levi Ware, Driver, Roxbury