Roving Camera 2/27/2014
They should have a policy. In the locker room, they joke, they call each other the n-word. They should have higher standards. — Eddie Green, Claims Assistance, Roxbury
I think the NFL is a reflection of our society. They shouldn’t tolerate racial harassment. All that should be behind us. — George Jordan, Self-Employed, Dorchester
Perpetrators of racial harassment should be suspended for life. The owners need to enforce that. — Joelee Baker-Bey, Reverend, Roxbury
The n-word should never be used. We ourselves shouldn’t be using it. If we stopped using it, we would set an example. — Keith Rowell, Disabled Veteran, Dorchester
There’s no room for harassment. The players have to work together. They should share meals and have family get-togethers. — Lawrence Mathis, Iron Worker, Mattapan
They should not tolerate it. You can’t have bullying. It should be banned. — William Bean, NAACP Volunteer, Roxbury