Roving Camera 2-27-20: Do you know who you’re supporting for president?

I don’t know who to vote for, honestly.
I’ll vote in November for whoever
is running against Trump. — Detachia Swain, Clerk, Mattapan

I like Bernie. — Douglas Rainford, Food Service, Dorchester

I like Bernie Sanders. I think he’ll
make a better president. We gotta
get rid of Trump. — Caesar Brown, Food Service, Roxbury

No. I don’t like any of them. But
I definitely don’t like Trump. Last
election, I didn’t vote for Clinton or
Trump. I don’t regret that. — Michael Christian, Self employed, Randolph

I haven’t made up my mind. We have
to be strategic. Collectively, we need
to choose someone who is going to
win against Trump. It’s not about
personality or loyalty. — Judy Rose, Student, Dorchester

I’m torn. I like Bernie and I like Elizabeth Warren. But I need to do
more research. — Phillip Lodge, Business Owner, Dorchester