Roving Camera 2-13-19: What would you like to see in a presidential candidate?

I would like to see a stronger focus on drawing down our wars abroad and someone who creates real jobs with dignity. — Mike Prentice, Communications Associate, Roxbury

I want to see a commitment to health care. — Jeanette Williams, Nurse, Boston

Honesty, a commitment to diversity in hiring and a commitment to affordable housing. — John Nelson, Unemployed, Roxbury

Most importantly, I’d like to see a president who is concerned about inner city issues and, of course, a president who puts the people first. — Keisha, Student, Mattapan

A candidate who keeps their word and doesn’t just do things for the rich. Don’t just say things to get elected. — Keith, Truck Driver, Roxbury

I’d like to see someone who creates togetherness. Someone who’s there for the people. No more turmoil and lies.— Lester, Chef, Dorchester