Roving camera 12-5-19: Do you think the Democrats have enough evidence to impeach Trump?
Regardless if they do, I think the
Republicans have enough power to
block them. — Reny, Student, Dorchester
Yes. I hope it does happen. With
everything he’s said and done, it
should be enough. — Doryce Haskins Darden, Hospital Worker, Roxbury
Yes. I think it will happen. — Anette Gilbert, Retired, Jamaica Plain
Yes, I do. I don’t think he’ll be
removed from office, though. The
Senate will block him. — Andre Jones, Affordable Housing Developer, Jamaica Plain
I hope so. I really do. — Robyn Bridge-Foster, Medical Biller, Roxbury
They seem like they have something
on Trump. Will it stick? I don’t know. — Arthur Brown, Retired Bus Driver, Dorchester