The war in Syria. We’re in a crisis right now. — Ronald Manifold, Chef, Roxbury
A lot has happened. What I thought was important is the ISIS attacks and terrorism. We can’t seem to get a handle on it. — Portland Relf, Restaurant Worker, Roxbury
Housing in Boston. Gentrification. People moving out and people moving in. — Phillip, Entrepreneur, Dorchester
ISIS, Black Lives Matter and the movement against police shootings. — Dereck Paul, Retail, Roxbury
Racial profiling. The news media are becoming aware of the police shootings of unarmed blacks. People are getting sick and tired of it. — Clinton Williams, Cook, Roxbury
I think the most important news stories are the ones you don’t hear about, like police violence. It’s been going on for a long time. — Arthur Collins, Youth Coalition Coordinator, Roxbury