Roving Camera 12-21-2017
Of course. I’ve been in multiple situations in different areas of town. On top of the overt racism, there’s all this gentrification going on, forcing people out of the city.—Catherine Harris, Brand Ambassador, Dorchester
Yes. The lines have been drawn for many years. You have the haves and the have nots. Those who have happen to be of one race, those who have not happen to be of another.—Chris Grant, Business Owner, Roxbury
I believe so. One of the ways Boston shows its racism is the lack of honesty about the real conditions in Boston for blacks, low-income people and immigrants. There’s a lot of racism in leadership in Boston.—Liz Miranda, Executive Director, Roxbury
I went to Boston Latin School. There was racism from day one to graduation. The first time I was called the n word was there.—Newton Johnson, Consultant, Roxbury
Somewhat. Resources aren’t distributed evenly here.—R. Charles, Business Owner, Roxbury
There are definitely challenges here. When you look at other cities throughout the country, there are more opportunities for blacks elsewhere. It’s definitely a lot of old networks here that are entrenched in history.—Trina Bryant, Educator, Hyde Park