Roving Camera 12-17-2015
No. Neither there nor anywhere else, for that matter. Since Korea, ground troops haven’t changed conditions for the better. — Napoleon Jones Henderson, Artist, Roxbury
I think they should. They’re going to come over here and they’re going to kill us. — Lakeycia Darget, Hairstylist, Mattapan
I think so. They’re killing us. And Syrians are in danger. — Jose Pereira, Electrician, Dorchester
I’m a disabled vet. I don’t think they should. We’ll just lose more people. — Georgia Brown, Disabled, Roxbury
We should send people on a humanitarian mission, but not to fight. — Eudora, Disabled, Westwood
I don’t think so. That’s somebody else’s battle. — Angela Johnson, Disabled, Mattapan