Roving Camera 12-03-2015
Because we still allow it. We’re not unified and fighting against it. We’re not doing anything collectively about it. — Shanika Studmire, Student, Roxbury
I think it’s because of the mentality of white superiority — the work certain Europeans did to create the concept of race and black inferiority. It still permeates today. — Nzinga Sanches, Educator, Mattapan
Economics. How do you think that the 1 percent stays in power? — Luther Pinkney, Team Leader, Roxbury
People are racist basically because they don’t understand that all people are the same. People think their group is superior. — Jerry Coats, Outreach Coordinator, Dorchester
Lack of education. If people had better education, they’d understand what race is really about. — Donald Mitchell, Employment Resources Coordinator, Roxbury
I think it’s a human characteristic. In its essence, it’s a natural thing for people to prefer those who are familiar to you over those who are remote. — Aiya-Oba, Professor, Mattapan