Roving Camera 12-01-2016

I think they should make more Section 8 certificates available. And they should bring back rent control. There’s a majority of people who can’t afford to live here. — Shirley Burton, Bus Monitor, Dorchester

I miss rent control. Think some form of rent control has to come back. — Sarajean Coles, Retired, Roxbury

They need to make all the institutions in Boston — Harvard, MIT, Northeastern — pay a real estate tax. They take up all the land and they don’t make it so poor people can live here or make funds available for housing. — Pat Davis, Research Assistant, Dorchester

They have to respect the aspirations of the people, not the people who want to profit from housing. The city is allowing landlords and banks to hike prices. — Nkumah Sebago, Organizer, Mattapan

They need to build more affordable housing. It’s hard to find affordable units and the waitlists are long. — Michelle, Chef, Dorchester

They need to make affordable housing more accessible. It takes two years to get in anywhere. — Larry Love, Unemployed, Roxbury