First off: get Trump impeached. And more housing for people who need it. More jobs.
—Naphtalie SaintCyr, Student, Boston

No more cuts to the poor. No cuts to Social Security. More services for the youth. More jobs.—Joe E., Custodial Worker, South End

I’d like to see Democrats take the House and Senate. The Republicans are making a joke of democracy. They’re making a joke of America.—Kelvin Mack, Retired, Dorchester

For both Democrats and Republicans to stop working behind the scenes to support wars and corporations.—Malcolm Beasley, Student, Boston

I’d like to see reforms to the criminal justice system. I’d like to see people treated fairly across the board.—Mark Nelson, Environmental Services, Roxbury

I would like to see people unify more. And more help for people finding jobs and help for the homeless.
—Mona Denise, Minister, Cambridge