People are shocked and offended. Hopefully, people will mellow out a bit. — Warren Busby, Retired, Boston

Sheer chaos. And regression. As a society, we’re going back to the ’50s in a bad way. — Patric Docmanov, Musician, Roxbury

Hatred. It’s like we’ve had a real-life Hitler running. — Najma Nazyat, Director, South End

If he becomes president, more middle class people will lose their jobs and we’ll go back to segregation. — Jesus Rodriguez, Retired, Dorchester

His lasting effect is that he divided this country. He’s bringing racism back like it’s the ’40s or ’50s. I have never seen a campaign like this. I’m voting this morning for Hillary Clinton. — Ernest Griffin, Retired, Dorchester

The more time goes by, the more things stay the same in this country. Trump is the personification of white privilege. — Curtis Rollins, Organizer, Roxbury