Roving Camera 11-24-2016
Race trumps all. This election was a referendum on race. They want our country back. — Ron Armstead, Retired, Roxbury
Because they are angry over the condition of this country and they don’t have a clue about black life. Out of frustration they think they want their country back, as if black people stole it. — Rodney Muhammad, Student Minister, Boston
If I had to guess, I would say because they wanted change. Many people liked Obama, but they didn’t like his policies. — Richard O’Bryant, Professor, Dorchester
They believed in him. He’s for them. — Darrell Holmes, Retired, Boston
Basically, they think he’ll benefit them. I seriously doubt he will. — Anthony Mosley, Disabled, Dorchester
A lot of white people felt his agenda was their agenda. Things they thought secretly he came out and said publicly. — A. Lopez, Document Imaging, Roxbury