Roving Camera 11-1-18: Why do you think racial hatred seems to be increasing?

No idea. People are just going crazy. We have Hitler in the White House. I don’t know how that happened or how we will stop it.—Ambrose Perez, Retired, Hyde Park

It’s because people don’t realize that the our Father created us from the clay of the earth. White people, skinheads and white supremacists don’t understand this.—James Killings, Barber/Culinary Arts, Dorchester

Honestly, I think it’s all because of the president and the Republican Party.—Michael Jordan, Equipment Technician, Dorchester

They’re jealous of what other people have accomplished. They’re racist.—Shante Benbow, Shift Manager, Roxbury

It’s been like this for years. Racial violence has always been here. I just hope one day we can stop it.—Theresa, Disabled, South End

I really believe it’s the pressure of living today. People are struggling. They point fingers and blame other people.—Drew Chisholm, Painter, Hyde Park