Roving Camera 10-4-18: What do you think of celebrating Columbus Day as a holiday?

Christopher Columbus shouldn’t be celebrated. Someone who stole land and claimed it as their own along with enslaving a whole population should not be given a day of recognition. —Isabel Hernandez, Student, Boston

I believe October 8th should be a day to commemorate Indigenous people. Many people celebrate the fact Christopher Columbus “discovered America,” when in reality thousands of Indigenous lives were lost at the hands of Columbus and his men. —Ashely Medrano, Student, Boston

Christopher Columbus was a man who stole from and took advantage of Native peoples. No one like that deserves a holiday.—Jaelen Lee, Student, Boston

I think that celebrating Christopher Columbus with a holiday is wrong. We are celebrating someone who tortured many people and if he did that today he would be considered a terrorist.—Ariana Pina, Student, Boston

I think celebrating Columbus with a holiday is like celebrating genocide. For us to give this person any kind of respect or appreciation is like denying sympathy to those he hurt. —Anthony Rieves , Student, Boston

I think that Christopher Columbus should not be celebrated because of the terrible things that he did. —Angel Bowen, Student, Boston