Roving Camera 10/31/2013
We need control of our community and destiny. We can’t get that if we’re not in the selection process. — Wes Williams, Teacher, Mattapan
It’s always very important. In this election, it’s important to select the right person – someone who’s going to take us to another level. — Shirley Shillingford, Health Coordinator, Roxbury
If there was ever a time to seriously impact change with your vote, it would be this election. Whoever is the next mayor has to come with a real, progressive vision for Boston. We can’t be on the sidelines. — Nancy Rousseau, Program Supervisor, Mattapan
Looking back at history, the forefathers made sacrifices through years of struggle to give us the privilege to vote. The least we can do is exercise that right. — Jim Bichoo, Medical Technician, Dorchester
It’s time for us to understand the power of our voice in this city. We get our power by voting. We have to instill that in our families. If we don’t, we’ll never move forward. — Gary Webster, Business Owner, Mattapan
We’ve had a mayor for 20 years who had the support of 80 percent of our community. It’s important to put a mayor in who takes us to another plateau. — Clarence Cooper, Retired Carpenter, Mattapan