Roving Camera 10/30/14

Yes. I think it’s important for our voices to be heard. We can make a difference. We need a lot of positive changes in this community. — Shea Briscoe, Claims Analyst, Dorchester

Yes I am. I need the people who I want to be in office. I’m a Democrat, so you know who I’m voting for. — Kevin Washington, Cook, Roxbury

Yes. Because when it comes to Coakley and Baker, Coakley cares about people. Baker cares about money. — Iva Cooley, Retired Teacher, Dorchester

No. It’s really between the two major party candidates. I don’t think the Republican has our interests at heart and I don’t feel as though the Democrat does either. — Harold Ross, Electrician, Dorchester

Yes. Absolutely. It’s the only way to make sure our communities are seen and to get things done. — Galicia Escarfullery, Student, Roxbury

Yes. Anything we can do for the community is important. Voting brings us more jobs, more housing and help for the young people. — Carter Gillenwater, Manager, Roxbury