Roving Camera 10-25-18: What is the importance of the November 6 election?

Because Trump sucks as a president. In 2016, people were careless. A lot of people who could have voted, didn’t . It could have made a difference.—Alexis, Nursing Student, Dorchester

It’s important that we as black people make our voice heard, regardless of who we vote for. We need to get out and work for our candidates. If you don’t vote, you can’t complain.—Bette Toney, Neighborhood Activist, Roxbury

We’ve lost the dignity of our country with the ignorance of this president. For kids to have a role model that is ignorant is unfortunate.—Larry Van Zandt, Retired, Stoughton

It’s a fundamentally important election. We need to send a message nationally in support of Liz Warren. It would be great if we can elect Jay Gonzalez. I’m really excited to support Rachael Rollins.—Mimi Turchinetz, Lawyer, Hyde Park

So we don’t get anything similar to #45. Accidents do happen. Every vote counts.—Rodney Dailey, Associate Minister, Dorchester

It’s important. We don’t have any excuses. It’s an important way to support your country.—Terry Yancey, Building Inspector, Roxbury