They need to talk more. Other countries are looking at us like we don’t know what the hell we’re doing. — Samuel Rivera Peer Advocate Dorchester
Honesty. Everybody in Congress is full of it. If they could get to the bottom-line issues, it wouldn’t have happened. — Tracy McCallum HIV Service Advocate Roxbury
They should start taking money from the congressmen who aren’t voting. Their checks aren’t being withheld. — Robert DuPree Retired Teacher South End
The shutdown affected people on disability. It affected veterans. And Congress was getting paid. They should have stopped paying them. — Richard Jones Disabled Veteran Dorchester
Make John Boehner free up the money. If you want people to keep working, they have to have health care and money. – Crystal Gorman Student Mattapan
Both sides need to come to agreement. Congress is like middle school. — Boris Napier HIV Peer Advocate Boston