Roving camera 10-24-19: Which of the current presidential candidates would you vote for?
I like Bernie and Warren. I voted for
Warren for senator. Anybody other
than Trump will win. — Octavio Cano, IT, Roxbury
I’m leaning towards Biden. I think
he’s experienced. He’s been around
for a long time. — Doryce Haskins Darden, Hospital Worker, Roxbury
Biden. He did a good job when he
was vice president under Obama.
He’s the only one I can trust. — Donald Mitchell, Veterans Representative, Roxbury
I really couldn’t tell you. I’m sick
of them getting into office and not
doing what they promised. — Regina, Housewife, Roxbury
I really haven’t made up my mind
yet. They haven’t really talked about
how they’re going to pay for the
things they say they’re going to do. — Richard, Retired, Dorchester
Corey Booker. I like that he won’t
give tax breaks to the wealthy. Tax
breaks should be based on income. I
know he won’t win, but I’m going to
vote my principles. — Deborah Reid, Retired, Roxbury