Roving Camera 10/23/14
I think raising the minimum wage and lowering rents. Rents in Boston are ridiculous, and people’s income don’t match the rents. — Vivian Foy, Medical Billing Coordinator, Attleboro
Fair housing and low-income housing. It’s tough for people to find a place to live. — Shirley Jay McGee, Truck Driver, Roxbury
Jobs. Especially for minorities, because they’re the ones doing nothing. Coakley needs to come to the community like Elizabeth Warren did. — Sheila Emerson, Retired, Roxbury
Health care and education. I think it’s very important for people to have health care and to be able to have an education the enables people to be the best they can be. — Lascene Nappier, Teacher, Roxbury
Getting the homeless off the street and creating more jobs for the youths. — Eric Johnson, Security, Dorchester
Housing. There are more homeless people than there used to be. It’s more of an issue than crime. — Darryl, Unemployed, Roxbury