Roving Camera 10-19-17
Worse. The school system is in bad shape. There’s no affordable housing. The mayor thinks he’s heading toward a coronation and people are being forced out of the city.—Bob Marshall, Retired, Roxbury
The way it is right now, things are getting worse.—Eddie Velazquez, Unemployed, Boston
I think so. The city is a lot cleaner and there’s a lot of new construction.—Jeffrey Gilliard, Maintenance Worker, Jamaica Plain
I think Boston is getting better. It’s up to us to take care of it.—Lance, Laborer, Boston
Right now, things are worse. We’re going backwards with gentrification, income inequality, poor schools and lack of unity.—Priscilla Flynt Banks, Organizer, Hyde Park
It depends on what you mean by better. People can’t afford to live here. Everybody’s moving out.—Stephanie Edwards, Child Care Teacher, Dorchester