Roving Camera 10-13-2016
It reflects where we are as a country. The idea of the redneck being the ultimate racist is dead. We’re seeing six-figure, suit-wearing hatred. — Sharif Abdal-Khallaq, Business Owner, Roxbury
I don’t think the candidates are talking about the issues. If Donald Trump wins, America will lose. — Patrick Shea, Mailroom Clerk, Medford
It’s kind of a circus. It’s making a mockery of politics. If Trump gets in it would be hell. — Maceo Thomas Hill, Dock Service Worker, Roxbury
I think Trump isn’t fit to be president. Hillary handled herself well after all the attacks. She didn’t blow up. — Kirby Lynch, Unemployed, South End
I think Trump is out. The way he’s presenting himself — he can’t win like that. — Cedric Daniels, Street Worker, Roxbury
It would be a sad day in America if Trump got elected. Democracy in America would be done. People should pay close attention. — Allen Lee, Executive Board Member, South End