Everybody is out for themselves. It’s all about money. People are becoming more selfish. —Ed Galloway, Self-employed, Charlestown

Because we don’t have a good president in office. He’s making things worse.—Teresa Henry, Retired, South End

I think whites have been in power so long, they don’t want us to get the upper hand.—Rudolph West, Retired, Dorchester

That’s the way it’s always been. It has a lot to do with race. You can’t change what’s in a person’s mind.—Oliver Cooper, Retired, Roxbury

It’s because of who the president is now. It doesn’t help that he’s trying to divide us.—Jalisa Fumudoh, Customer Service Rep., Roxbury

Because there’s so much diversity in our nation. A lot of opinions. Most people believe their opinion is more valid. People don’t have open minds or see the big picture, and our leaders aren’t helping. —Emmanuell Debarros, Community Organizer, Dorchester