Roving Camera 1/8/2015
He is someone any child in America could look up to. He carried himself with class and dignity. — Jesus Rosa, Executive Director, Weymouth
The promise of a better future for the people left out in previous administrations. He accomplished a lot in transportation, education and bringing people into state government. — Dorothea Jones, Retired, Roxbury
He brought a lot of progressive values to the State House and brought a lot of dignity into state government. He moved the state forward. — Mario Teran, Policy Analyst, Roslindale
In one word: Inclusion. — Ossie Jordan, Retired, Brockton
He brought unprecedented changes to the state and he engaged the citizenry, letting them know they have a stake in their own future and the future of the state. — Mimi Jones, Education Consultant, Roxbury
I think his lasting legacy is confirmation that government can be open and available to everyone. And everyone can and should participate. — Reggie Nunnally, Business Development, Stoughton