Roving camera 1-30-20: What do you think will result from the impeachment trial?

It will have no effect on the black
community. Nothing much changes for black people, no matter who’s in office. The rich are still getting richer. — Darriel Dorsey, Personal Trainer, Roxbury

The effect will be slim-to-none. He
won’t be impeached. He might even
get elected again. We need all the
Democrats to get out and vote. — Doryce Haskins-Darden, Hospital Worker, Roxbury

It seems like Donald Trump is getting
a pass. The whole world is watching,
but he’s still doing what he’s doing. — Elbert Mattocks, Carpenter, Roxbury

I think it will have a great effect. It will show Trump he can’t abuse power. Hopefully, he’ll take time to think about how he’s messed things up. — Amilcar Moreira, Sterilization Technician, Roxbury

Nothing will change until they get
Trump out of office. I’d like to see
the impeachment succeed so they
can get him on tax evasion. — Robert Jones, Retired, Roxbury

The way things are going right now, it doesn’t look like much of a trial. The Republicans are sticking with the president no matter what. — Howard Ellison, Retired, Weymouth