Roving Camera 1-3-2019: What gives you hope for 2019?

An impeachment. I think the Mueller investigation is going to reveal a lot about Trump’s financial dealing in Russia. — Beverly Demetrius, Massage Therapist, Jamaica Plain

Good health and a lot of good prospects for the economy and the world. — Domingo, Transportation, Roxbury

I hope the economy keeps growing and I hope Donald Trump gets impeached. I hope we as a people learn how to love each other. — James Hutton, Bus Monitor, Roxbury

A better year. Better finances. Better health. — Johnnie Mae, Housewife, South End

I’m hopeful that people will work together in community and stop working against each other. — Khaleef Martinez, Producer, Roxbury

To be honest, I don’t have a lot of hope. You just gotta make power moves and understand what you’re doing. — Jeffrey Phillips, Entrepreneur, South End