Roving camera 1-2-20: Where do you see the United States heading in 2020?

Hopefully, maybe more unity might prevail among the people. Once we
get Donald Trump out of office, it
might get brighter. — Darryl Redding, Retired, Boston

With the election coming up, we’d
better be focused on the candidates.
We gotta get this guy out of the
White House and get somebody in
who will unite America. — Michael Greene, Retired, Dorchester

I’d like to see more attention given
to mental health and opiates. People
need to be more sensitive. Seeing
that last incident with the mother
and her two children, you understand
there’s a population that needs help. — Cathleen Merritt, Health Care Provider, Roxbury

A whole lot needs to happen. I want
to see more peace and happiness,
the crime rate go down, Trump out of
office, everybody working and more
help for the elderly. — Tina Howard Poindexter, Personal Care Attendant, Dorchester

I see everything going wrong. Blacks
versus whites. Politicians fighting
each other. Everything’s going
wrong. — Raymond Sims, Self-Employed, Dorchester

We’re going to s---. They’re messing
with our housing. Everything is more
expensive. It’s getting harder and
harder to live in Boston. — Keasha Dessesaure, Cook, Roxbury