Roving Camera 09-01-2016
I feel like racism has always been the same. Laws changed, but the way people treat people is the same as it was in the 1960s. — Hope, Unemployed, South End
I think racism has always been this bad. It’s getting more pronounced. They’re trying to take back Roxbury and push us out. — Lowell, School Site Liaison, Roxbury
I think it hasn’t changed. It’s just changed its face. It has a lot to do with learned behavior between generations. — Jonathan Rogers II, Chef, Roslindale
It’s not really getting worse. It’s always been bad. Maybe it’s just coming out more. People are doing more things to make it come out. — Linda, Housekeeping, Roxbury
Considering Trump is bringing out racism from the hearts of people, yes, it’s getting worse. But racism has always been a problem in the country. — Drew Roberts, Self-Employed, Roxbury
I believe it’s always been this bad. There’s always been a lot of ignorance and misunderstanding. There’s no unity between races. — Child of God, Cook, Roxbury