Jobs and the economy. And cops. There’s too many cops shooting black kids and getting away with it. That’s the number one issue. — Rafael Puntiel, Driver, Roxbury
I think the next president has to focus on the issue of cops and violence. They need to completely reform the justice system. — Joseph Monteiro, Student, Roxbury
Unity. Blacks, whites, Spanish people need to be more together. — John Red, Sales, Dorchester
Education and the justice system. — Jetnel Lugo, Customer Service, Jamaica Plain
They need to concentrate on domestic issues and pull out of the wars. — Bro. Lloyd Moore, Outreach Worker, Roxbury
The criminal justice system. They give out too much time for petty crimes in our community. And they need to stop police killings and help the homeless. — Akbar Rashada, Self-employed, South End