Roving Camera 08-25-2016
The police officers take advantage of their badge. The criminal justice system allows them to get away with it. They’re not doing their jobs. — Renie Wright, Cashier, Dorchester
The court system is part of the same system as the police. They’re not going to punish their own. We need a civilian review board, not a grand jury. — Kevin Nevis, Counselor, Allston
People have a misunderstanding that the public is accountable to the police. We pay their salaries. They’re accountable to us. — Edward M. Trippett, Unemployed, Cambridge
Until black people start to value our lives, they’re not going to give us any value. We have to believe that black lives matter. — Christopher Beach, Disabled, South End
There’s a culture of protection and entitlement for police. Their unions use political connections to protect them. — Alisa Drayton, Banker, Roxbury
The criminal justice system doesn’t view black lives in the same manner as they view white lives. — Abdul Jibril, Workforce Development Instructor, Hyde Park