At this moment in time it takes more than $80,000. Most people don’t earn that in our community. It requires multiple jobs. — Melissa Colon, Student, Medford
I think $90,000. The rents are extremely high in Boston. — Leo, Program Coordinator, Roxbury
Probably $75,000 to $80,000, if you want to live comfortably with a small family. — Karen Bowie, Compliance Investigator, Atlanta
Between $30,000 and $35,000 a year to have a decent standard of living. At least $40,000 to live well. — Darren, Customer Services, Lynn
I think for one person, at least $60,000. With rents, the price of food and utilities, that’s not a lot. — Danielle Williams, Organizer, Roxbury
I would say $60,000 to $65,000. That’s the average. Compared to the cost of living here, that’s not high. — Bernard David, Disabled, Dorchester