Yes. There’s corruption in the police department and we have no say in the way they run the department. — Yaka, Unemployed, Roxbury
Yes. That way there wouldn’t be a conflict of interest when there’s an investigation. — Larry, Electrician, Roxbury
Yes. I think there would be more transparency and it would give more power to the public to address issues of abuse. — Joseph Lewis, Painter, Roxbury
Definitely. If they had an independent review board it would be a lot more fair. The police are too corrupt to do their own investigations. — Jesse Robinson, Bellman, Roxbury
Yes, there should. It’s the only way to have justice. — Anthony, Painter, Dorchester
Of course there should be. There are too many incidents that have happened. Officers are not being held accountable for their actions. — Alison Lugay, Research Specialist, Dorchester