Roving Camera 07-30-2015
If the war is against the people, yes. If it’s against drugs, no. - Beloved, Teaching Assistant, Boston
I think the U.S. should declare the war over. I think they should say it’s a failure. It didn’t work. - Stephen Simpson, Researcher, Jamaica Plain
No. We’ve tried everything so far. We’re out-financed. We’re outgunned. There’s too much corruption. We haven’t put a dent in it. - Michael Hailey, Temp Worker, Dorchester
No. It’s a farce. It’s an excuse to imprison young African American men. - Jolee Baker-Bey, Retired, Roxbury
I think the war is really on the people. The war on drugs is a false idea. - Dianne Zimbabwe, Teacher, Roxbury
No. Drugs are still here. - Cathy Cornish, Cosmetologist, Dorchester