Roving Camera 07-21-2016
I don’t think anyone’s life should be taken, but they’ve killed us for years. For some people, this is — Alice Thornton, Unemployed, Boston
Mainly, it’s a reaction to the fear that has been instilled in us by police. But mostly, the ones who are doing it have mental problems. — Arthur Jackson, Retired Paralegal, Roxbury
Enough is enough. People can’t take it anymore. Politicians are speaking out against people shooting cops, but not cops killing us. — John, Chef, Weymouth
We’re tired. We need some justice. The police just make up their own rules. — Mike, Landscaper, Framingham
You have Hillary Clinton saying she’ll prosecute people who kill cops, but what about cops who kill us? I don’t think any good will come of it. — Roy Harris, Housekeeper, Dorchester
It’s unfortunate that they’re doing what they’re doing. It’s the same sick violence that police are participating in. — William Miller, Paralegal, Dorchester