I don’t know. We’ve been in this so long. It should have been over a long time ago. — Zuyapa Arzu, Endoscopy Technician, Boston
You would have to reverse the power structure somehow. They own so much, I don’t think it’s possible. — Leshaun Rogers, Driver, Roxbury
People need to be open to others’ experiences. We don’t understand each other’s lives. — Kristeen Petit-Frere, Student, Mattapan
It’s white people’s M.O. and it was that way long before this was the United States. It’s in their genes. — Fred Fox, Entrepreneur, St. Louis
Community meetings. People need to talk it out, face-to-face. Have conversations. — Eva, Student, Roxbury
It would take a whole different outlook on race and the concept of race. — Carey Harris, Social Worker, Mattapan