Police have to get the guns off the streets. I’ve got two nephews who carry guns. They need to take them away. — Top Cat, Unemployed, Boston
It’s going to take politicians working together on the same page along with citizens. It could happen. — Sheila Graham, Teacher, South End
I don’t know. It’s part of American culture. There’s a fear of others and a history of violence in America. — Omo Moses, Writer, Jamaica Plain
Stricter gun control. Better background checks. No guns for people who have been to prison. — Thomas Dotson, Unemployed, Dorchester
Stricter gun control laws. Take the guns off the street. Keep them out of the hands of teenagers. — Rosetha Washington, Retired, Canton
I think it begins with educating kids in elementary school about gun violence and its effect on our community. — Stephen Hendrix, Retired Chef, Roxbury