Roving Camera 07/02/15
It’s their tradition. They grew up with that. A lot of the older generations are tied to the old ways. — Tony, Human Rights Advocate, Dorchester
They’re re-living the past. At least the older ones are. They have a hatred for blacks that’s part of their history. — Usnima Gale, CNA, South End
Racism. They fly it because they can get away with it. — Willie Webster, Cook, Roxbury
Racism. It’s their prerogative to fly it if they want to. But it’s ignorant. — Richard Roscoe, Retired Machinist, Roxbury
Because there’s still racism. It’s passed on from generation to generation. — Nick Jett, Carpenter, Roxbury
It’s their constitutional right. The law protects them. They’re stuck in the 1920s. — Mohammed Adam, Cashier, Jamaica Plain