It’s really bad. I see him as being very racist. — Paula Akins, Retired, Roxbury
I think he’s exposing the hatred that some people have. Sometimes it’s good to bring things to light, but he’s making things worse. — Omari, Designer, Roxbury
America was racist to begin with. He’s just saying what America thinks about us. — Germain, Entrepreneur, Roxbury
He’s exposing what’s already there. America has a problem with racism. — Kara, Staff Accountant, Mattapan
He’s exposing hatred. The first black president made a lot of people. Trump lets a lot of people express how they really feel. — Dennis Little, Business Owner, Roxbury
I think he’s having a big effect. I agree that some immigrants coming in are dangerous, but you can’t say they all are. — Cornelius Hudson, Retired, Roxbury