Roving Camera 06-16-2016
Horror and anger that we allow assault weapons into the general population. — Zakiya Alake, Activist, Dorchester
To find out that we lost 50 people because of someone who got triggered by seeing two men kiss — I’m a little bit scared. — Tyler Tuccio, Tech Worker, Watertown
I’m heartbroken. We need to take assault rifles out of the hands of ordinary people. — Tito Jackson, City Councilor, Roxbury
Julia Mejia
It’s clearly a hate crime. There’s too much suffering in the world, and not enough love. — Jed Hresko, Accountant, Roxbury
We certainly need to put more focus on ISIS, but we need to put more attention on hate speech in America. Hate speech, like what the governor of Texas said, fueled this incident. — Harold DuFour Anderson, Clinical Director, South Boston