Roving Camera 05/07/15
Black people need to stop abusing each other. Black people ain’t got no respect for themselves. That’s why they refer to each other using the n-word. — William Speight, Retired, Roxbury
Listening to us more. They need to pay attention to our community. Instead of judging us, get to know us. They think we’re all criminals. We’re hard-working people. — Tyron Hester, Cook, Roxbury
They need to stop assuming, first and foremost. And they need more extensive training. They need to understand who we are, who they’re dealing with. Ask questions first. — Lewis Grant, Mechanic, Dorchester
We need to build trust between the police and the community. It’s sad what’s going on. It’s modern-day lynching. — A.W.C., Community Activist, Roxbury
Black people need to get together and vote. — George, Retired, Fall River
It will take a sustained, organized effort to continue to identify the root causes and push for solutions. — Bro. Kinney, Community Organizer, Dorchester