Roving Camera 04-28-2016
Should they have to? No. But because some officers have acted inappropriately, they should. It would show they understand they have a problem policing themselves. — Shayna Harris, Housewife, Dorchester
Sure. They’re cops. They need to be watched. There’s no checks and balances when they abuse power. — Mike Greensteen, Musician/Educator, Roxbury
Yes. For their protection. In case something goes wrong and they’re accused of doing something they didn’t do. — Laquia Garris, Student, Dorchester
Yes. We wore them in the military. They have an obligation to the public to let us know what they’re doing. — Keith Bean, Security, Mattapan
Yes. Unfortunately, my interactions with the police have been negative. If that’s how they are as an institution, they should have to wear cameras. — Joshua Loomis, Bartender, Roxbury
Yes. It helps them do their job better and keeps us safe. — Chris Anderson, Billing Coordinator, Brockton