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Roving Camera 03/05/15

They can create policies that protect people against wage theft and make sure people get living wages and benefits. — Marvin Martin, Executive Director, Dorchester
The government needs to be able to set standards for folks who have very little to help them build wealth. There needs to be more support, rather than a push to take away the safety net. — Khalida Smalls, District Coordinator, Jamaica Plain
Keep raising the minimum wage, the higher the better. Wages have to keep pace with the cost of living. — Evandro Carvalho, State Representative, Dorchester
What’s missing from the public conversation is any consideration for the poor. We have so many people who are marginally middle class – it’s their plight the government should be concerned about. — E. Barry Gaither, Executive Director, Roxbury
They ought to raise the minimum wage to $17 an hour. That would give an annual income of $34,000 a year — the Roxbury median income. And increase taxation for companies making money overseas and use the money for job development and training. — Chuck Turner, Community Organizer, Roxbury
They need to support tax breaks for middle income earners. You don’t qualify for subsidies, but you’re still living paycheck to paycheck. — Allen Knight, Head Librarian, Dorchester
What do you think the government should do to help working people?