Roving Camera 02-22-2018

People are going through pain they can’t cope with. They resort to guns and drugs. Both are easy to get to, but the government is more concerned about stopping drugs than guns. —CJ, Cook, Roxbury

I think that the government does not take gun violence seriously. People here are dying and the government is more concerned about what’s going on in other countries. There’s a war raging here.—Loretta Washington, Medical Coordinator, South End

There’s too many guns in circulation. America is a civilized country. We’re not Afghanistan. But everyone has a different reason. We’re dealing with kids with guns. There’s too many of them.—Jay Rock, Self-Employed, Dorchester

The gun lobby has a hold on the U.S. Senate and Congress. —John Lopez, Pastor, Roxbury

Where are the guns that are circulating in our community being manufactured? People with low self-esteem are hurt and react in violent ways.—E Smith, Unemployed, Dorchester

There’s no discipline in the home anymore.—Willie Dixon, Retired, Dorchester