Roving Camera 02-08-2018

I like that there are corporations coming in, but I hate gentrification. They’re pushing low income people out of the neighborhoods. —Alia Ortiz, Student, Roxbury

I think it’s changing for the better, but in Roxbury, long-term residents are being pushed out and mom-and pop stores are seeing their rents go sky high.—Allen Knight, Librarian, Dorchester

I’ve been here five years and I’ve seen changes. They’re developing more housing, but for rich people only. Low-income people have nothing. More whites are moving in. Blacks are moving out.—Brenda Scinson, Homemaker, Roxbury

Yes. Things are cleaner. There’s less crime. They’re trying to help the homeless.—Jose Cincel, Unemployed, Boston

Yes. A lot of things are better. There are a lot of new buildings, but there’s still too many homeless people on the streets and not enough jobs.—Linda Hollins, Retired, Dorcehster

No. There’s still a lot of violence and homelessness.—Sheila Hector, Caretaker, Roxbury