Roving Camera 02/05/15
There’s worse things to worry about than snow. This is New England. — Shakar, Entrepreneur, Roxbury
I stayed home the whole week. I’m just shoveled my car out now. — Herlina, Housekeeper, Roxbury
I have no choice. It won’t end until it ends. — Marcus Cardwell, Transportation Director, Roxbury
Getting it up as soon as it snows. Ain’t nobody doing it for me. When it snows, you got to get out and shovel it. — Gordon Gleaves, Disabled, Roxbury
As best as I can. Kids these days see an old lady shoveling and don’t come and help. — Edna Willrich, Executive Director, Roxbury
A lot of shoveling and a lot of hot chocolate. — Chris Conroy, Consultant, Roxbury