Roving Camera 01-21-2016
Racism. There can be no progress without unity. And there will be no unity without a multi-class movement fighting racism. — Stevan Kirschbaum, Bus Driver, Roslindale
White supremacy. You can’t have white supremacy and civil rights. — Phillipe Copeland, Professor, Roslindale
The fight for a living wage and taking away personhood from corporations. We have simultaneous erosion for rights for people of color and increased rights for corporations. — Noah McKenna, Landscaper, Jamaica Plain
Mass incarceration. The economic impact it has on our communities is huge. — Maddie Conway, Organizer, Jamaica Plain
Our freedom has to be the number one right. Cops should not be able to kill us and the criminal justice system should not be locking up so many brilliant black people. — Khalida Smalls, District Coordinator, Jamaica Plain
Police violence on our children. Children are getting killed by cops with no justice. — Camille Williams, Apparel Coordinator, Canton